Free Webinar: Q&A with Jaakko Männistö: Ask Anything About The Emotional Value Index (EVI®)
Join our chat with Jaakko Männistö and use a chance to ask any questions you might have about the Emotional Experience measurement or Emotional Value
Join our chat with Jaakko Männistö and use a chance to ask any questions you might have about the Emotional Experience measurement or Emotional Value
Recording now available! Join us for a cozy fireside chat to learn how and why Stockmann, one of the biggest retailers in Finland, is measuring
Liity seuraamme rentoon takkakeskusteluun kuulemaan, miten ja miksi Stockmann, yksi Suomen suurimmista vähittäiskaupan toimijoista, mittaa tunnekokemusta. Milloin? Tiistaina 29. maaliskuuta 2022 klo 16:00Missä? VerkossaKesto: 60 min >> Katso
As a business owner, you might already be aware that customer emotions – be it indifference, joy, or dissatisfaction, have an impact on your business.
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