Feedbackly x The Climate Nudge project: Making Commuting Fun Through Gamification

The Climate Nudge project

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The Climate Nudge project plans and executes climate nudges with the help of several partners such as the University of Turku, the University of Eastern Finland, the Finnish Environment Institute, and many more. The University of Turku’s Climate Nudge project focused on promoting sustainable transportation, and to gather comprehensive data about their project, they teamed up with Feedbackly, a customer experience management and feedback platform.

Encouraging children to be active

The University of Turku’s Climate Nudge project introduced the School trip adventure calendar, which encourages children to commute to school using active modes of transportation like cycling or walking. In this calendar, children unlocked daily tasks by completing journeys using muscle power. This gamified approach motivates children while fostering environmentally friendly habits.

With a keen understanding of parents’ impact on a child’s commuting choices, the University of Turku’s Climate Nudge project seeks to engage parents in the process. By promoting active travel options through communication and setting an example, parents play a crucial role in motivating their children also beyond the school environment.

Let’s not forget adults

The project has also introduced the Work Commute calendar in workplaces. In this process, employees receive nudging letters and a coping plan, empowering them to overcome barriers to active commuting and commit to making positive changes.

Feedbackly’s feedback terminals have been customized for this project to track progress and gather valuable insights. In these terminals, the traditional emoticons have been replaced with icons representing different transportation modes. Employees select the icon corresponding to their chosen mode of transportation upon arrival at work, with the responses recorded digitally in real time. This data-driven approach allows researchers to monitor and analyze the results effectively.

The Work Commute calendar and action plan have been implemented already in ten libraries in Vantaa, and the researchers are trying to encourage the entire working community to increase active commuting.

As the research progresses, The University of Turku will continue to analyze the results and gather insights into the effectiveness of these initiatives. With a focus on engaging both, children and adults, they are paving the way for a greener and healthier future.

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