
“We had measured NPS and CSAT for years, but we struggled with getting valuable insight for decision-making. We needed a much deeper understanding of our customers to make decisions that have an impact on the behavior of our customers.”

Sara Toivakainen, Chief Customer Experience Officer

Stockmann flagship department store

Webinar replay

Virtual Fireside Chat With Stockmann: Emotional Experience – What, How, Why

Emotional Experience is found to be a game-changer for businesses measuring it. CX and marketing professionals are interested more than ever before in learning about how they can measure and manage customers’ emotions. At this webinar, Stockmann, one of the leading retailers in Finland, reveals why and how they measure the emotional experience of their customers.


Learn more about Emotional Experience and EVI®

Free eBook: Emotional Value Index (EVI®) - The next big thing in CX since the NPS
Free eBook

EVI® – The Next Big Thing in CX Since the NPS

All you need to know about how to measure and use Emotional Value Index (EVI®) to grow your business.

Emotional Experience (EVI) survey and analytics

Free webinar

What's After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Minna Killström and Jaakko Männistö talk about what is Emotional Experience, how it impacts business revenue, and how you can measure and manage it.

Stockmann department store

Case study

Written Case Study: How Stockmann Measures EVI®

Read more about why Stockmann, one of the biggest retailers in Finland, is measuring Emotional Experience, how they are doing it, and what has been the impact and results.

Seeing is beliving – book a demo

Ready to take your CX to the next level?

Book a demo and let our experts help you identify how you could improve your sales through an improved Emotional Experience.

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