How to save up to 4k€ on your analytics cost per year?

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We are not the kings of our customers anymore. The tables have turned and nowadays the customer decides how to communicate with the companies and businesses he or she wants to. Combined with digitalization and social media boom, this has led to a situations where our field of communications is very fragmented. Some of your customers might want communicate with you through your website and some e.g. through social media. Now the same thing of course applies to your own feedback and data collection. One channel is not enough anymore to cover the insights about your customer base.

So, if we start gathering together all the tools that you would need to cover all of the channels and see what that would mean for you as monthly based cost. From these examples you can see a package most suitable for your business and we can make the final calculations in the end.

Feedback kiosk

Especially in retail and normal brick & mortar feedback kiosk is a powerful tool. Usually these services vary from 89 € up to 199€ on the market depending on the service.

Mobile QR – Codes

Very good and suitable method of collecting data on high volume places or in the contrary people spend a lot of time e.g. restaurants and buses. Normally these services run around 59 € to 89 € per location.


If you have solid customer base that you already know something about them (e.g. their email), the email centered collection would be a good idea to try. With this I do not mean the old fashioned “click a link and go to website form” type of thing but to actually embed the survey to the email to make it easier for the customer. Yet depending on the size and volume that you operate, the cost of these services vary from low as 49 € per month to high as 999 € per month.


Collection through SMS works very similarly as the email tools. The only major difference is that SMS is even more personal. The services around text messaging can be tricky while usually you need to use some kind of other platform to send the SMS and some other to actually manage the feedback. This can get really tricky if there is not enough technology resources at hand. Also the pricing usually goes by volyme but they also usually have base fees and u they go up from 79€ per month.

Embedded feedback plugin for websites

Every modern business or actually every business in general should atleast have a website by now. Your website is the most common way of your customer communications. Then why would you exclude that from your data collection mix? If you would like to get a service to do this embedded surveying for your website, the prices would range from 19 € to 89 € per month.


This is the webform I was talking about earlier, the old and basic one on the website but with us still reinvented! These webform survey platform providers can me found a lot around the web and the only thing in common with them is usually a bad user interface. For some occasions they are useful but why not to make them look good and pump up the conversion? Some of these services can be even free but if you would like to find a tool that works, you should be willing to pay from 35 € to 99 € per month.

Inside your application

Would you like to have In-app surveys designed for high response rates? Surveys that are designed to measure Customers inside your SaaS, Mobile App or Website are getting more and more popular all the time. If this is something you would like to have, you should be willing to open your wallet just a bit while the plans start from 89 € monthly.

POS integration for Retail

Say what now? Especially for retail and most of the service businesses the point of sales equipment and software are one of the most important piece of their service chain. In the end they will help you to collect the payments and so forth. And regardless of the customer, everyone has to use the payment system and credit card machine. What if I told you that there is a way to collect feedback and customer data with that equipment? Sure you can. There are no other service provider on the market so to build something like this it would cost about 10k€ – 50k€ depending on the amount of the data integrations and depth of the analytics.

Finally we have covered the most popular channels of collecting feedback. If we take all of them and put into a calculator that would make a whopping 5 148,00 € per year!! And I´m not even calculating the set up for the POS integration!

I think you got the problem – Okay it is expensive. So where actually we save the 4000 €? Our philosophy is that everyone should have access to multi channel measuring and analysis – the big company style. But also we would like to create even better and holistic data for bigger enterprises while keeping all the data in one place. This creates a problem with traditional pricing, but we made it so that all the mentioned channels and methods above includes to one price which is 59 € per month. The price is static for smaller companies and scales up as you grow and need more. Simple as that.

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