More sales with feedback in eCommerce?

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Most eCommerce sites are run by data and hard analytics based on what their visitors have done on the site. This is of course very important. However, have you ever thought that the behavioral side doesn’t tell you everything? Often the possibility to let the customers really tell by themselves is neglected.  What affected most of their experience on the site and in some cases even – what kept them from making a purchase on your site is a piece of information that could be more valuable than a pot of gold! Next I will give you easy step-by-step tips and examples about how to make your customers tell how you could make them more satisfied in different phases of their buying process through the customer journey – and in the end, turn them into loyal shoppers at your store! Lets create more sales!

Before purchase

This is where you have most volume as there are plenty of visitors on your eCommerce site who don’t make a purchase decision nor leave any contact information about themselves. Hence, this is a good opportunity to collect great amounts of feedback and useful insights to support your marketing as well as provide incentives for respondents to become buying shoppers. You are probably also interested if the customer makes a decision not buy – next time you can be ready with some improvements to close the deal! In practice, this could mean adding quick and easy survey to your banner or elsewhere on your site with questions that ask where your advert was last seen and adding an incentive to make purchase to the end of the survey (such as free delivery or 5% discount valid for that day only). This can also happen discretely as question as a banner from the right hand part of the screen and it can be triggered when the customer is trying to leave your shop.

A case in point is one of our sport retail eCommerce customer which managed to get more than 75% of the respondent to subscribe to their newsletter resulting to hundreds of subscribers per day. This list they naturally took advantage of and now it is one of the most powerful channel for their sales.

Right after the payment

This is when a customer has made a purchase decision and returns to the succeed page after successful payment. Was the payment process smooth? Were there all the necessary payment alternatives available? How about products, something missing from our range? These are the things that usually come up in a very concrete way out of the feedback from the respondents that answer our surveys right after the payment is completed. These respondent have already bought something from you so they are also usually more engaged with your eCommerce site which results in higher conversion rates concerning the amount of respondents, as well as deeper and more in depth answers. Something that turns out really handy when improving your eCommerce site and customer’s shopping experience! Conversion up I say, and you should too because higher conversion means more sales!

After delivering the product

Now the customer has received their order and is starting use the product (or service), they’ve basically gone through the whole shopping cycle. This is the best time to ask your customer e.g. about your delivery and, of course, to give them an incentive to shop with you again! According to our experience with our current customers up to 10% of all the customers answer to a survey attached to delivery with e.g. a QR code. And this can be complemented with an email survey send to them automatically. The best part is that the respondent can be driven to shop with you again by simply adding a discount code or other incentive to the end of the survey. With this easy trick our customers have managed to drive 3-5 % of respondents to return to their eCommerce store within a week! Again, more sales!

There are multiple different places and tactics on how to improve the eCommerce experience with feedback data. More on those later and if you have any comments or questions, write straight to us or to the comments section!


Sales Director, Feedbackly

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