Feedbackly Creates New Customer Experience Software for OP’s ‘Finland’s Best Online Store’ Competition

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With the announcement of the ‘Finland’s Best Online Store’ competition a few months ago, we’ve been hard at work over the past few months working closely with OP Bank. Not only are we making this free competition available to every eCommerce company in Finland, we are also releasing a fully-featured analytics tool designed to enable these companies to manage their customer experience strategy with one software.

The dashboard of our new product in collaboration with OP – OP Verkkokauppakokemus

The new software will be available to the public at the beginning of June and will be called ‘OP Verkkokauppakokemus’ (OP Online Store Analytics). It will include all of the features that makes Feedbackly such a powerful CX analytics software with an updated UI and some incredible new features which will allow you to create customer journey maps. The customer journey mapping tool will let you assign surveys to each part of the customer journey to track your customer satisfaction on each step of the customer journey.

The customer journey map feature will revolutionize how companies measure the success of their customer experience strategy.

We are so excited to bring the customer journey map feature to the world. For the first time ever, companies can create their own customer journey maps and assign surveys to each stage of this customer journey. The survey responses will be converted into a customer satisfaction percentage and other KPI’s to help you see how your business is performing. The insight you will gain from this customer journey map is game changing. Now, instead of focusing on single areas of improvement for your business based on a feedback from individual customers, you can see what high-level areas of your business need improvement.

Our all new customer journey mapping tool

One example would be that if you are finding that your customer satisfaction is around 80-90% (good) on the awareness, consideration, and delivery phases of your customer journey map, you know that there is no major problem to report in these areas. But if your satisfaction level is around 50-60% (bad) for the purchase phase, you can know with a high level of confidence that all processes included in the purchase phase (product selection, support, payment processing) need to be urgently reviewed. You can actually take it one step further and review the exact feedback for each stage. So not only will you know that you need to improve in one area of your business, you will actually know exactly what needs to improve (as told by your customers!).

The details for each stage of the customer journey reveal more details about specific survey questions to aid your decision-making

If you are familiar with Feedbackly, OP Verkkokauppakokemus will immediately be familiar to you. You will still be able to create surveys and publish them on any one of our distribution channels, but the survey and channel management has been fine-tuned and updated to bring a higher level of customization. OP Verkkokauppakokemus is a software which is made for eCommerce companies first and foremost so the UX and feature set reflects this.

OP Verkkokauppakokemus software is available right now to participants in the ‘Finlands Best Online Store’ competition, and will be released to the public at the beginning of June. For more information on this, stay tuned to our blog!


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